Tuesday, September 28, 2010


There and back again...

I'll never forget yesterday. We climbed up a mountain road to do some work at Mountain Top Ministries. For two reasons, really. Our leader's back is in a lot of pain, and I'm deathly afraid of that drive :-). So Pam and I got out of the truck, and everyone but 3 guys got out with us. Great leg workout. All the locals were passing us pretty easily, and smiling and laughing in many cases. I'll share the end of our mountain journey, then tell you what we did up there. We walked down the mountain and it started to rain. I don't know how to explain how steep these roads were, and mixed together with the rain, and one sharp turn in particular, it freaks me out to think about riding down the mountains in the rain. However, I'd trade it for walking down the mountain. We were warned by one of our pastors that you will use muscles you don't normally use. True, and I was looking forward to that. A good workout is a good thing. However, what I did not anticipate is that the shoes I bought specifically for this trip (rather, that Jill bought) were like snow skis down a mountain. There was no traction. At one point I started walking, then got to jogging, and was nearly in a full sprint when I just had to throw myself to the ground. I was like a runaway train. Just a few tiny cuts and bruises, though. I was one of the first down, so I yelled to warn the others about this particular steep hill. Only a few fell. There's not a lot of grass to walk on, mostly large weeds. It was sort of comical. Some fell multiple times. A boy was carrying bananas and passed some of our people, then set the bananas down and sat to watch the comedy take place before his eyes. Great stories to tell his friends, I'm sure. 

The truck waited for us at that bottom of the mountain, which used to be a river. We then drive to the less steep mountain to get back to our place. It's pouring rain at this point. We're in the back of an incredibly bumpy ride, and the truck sounds like it's about done for. The jostling was amazing. We positioned ourselves with our backs against one another and our feet against the short wall of the truck. It was a natural shock absorber, but still, you can't fully combat this jostle. INTENSE. And what made it even more fun was that the road had become like rocky road ice cream. Which totally makes sense to me, now. Like light brown chocolate. And it was a STRUGGLE to get that truck up the hill. We made it, yay. 

So, the mountain. Our house did not get built. We are confident the man will get a home. What did happen was a bit of an exercise in doing what you are told. We moved rocks from one side of a land plot to another. Well, we also pick axed the ground, and shoveled down a few feet to get large rocks. There's FB pics if we're FB friends. LOTS of rocks.

After climbing a mountain, and hauling huge rocks, we were spent. We went back to our lodge, which I explained earlier that we walked down the mountain. Fun times. So we were drenched. I have limited clothes after AA lost my luggage. See earlier post. So I washed all of my clothes in the shower. See previous post. 

Last night we had a lot of fun. Some were keeping up on the Bears v. Pack game. Yah Bears (acting like I care). But we played spoons. I won't go into a whole lot of detail, a lot of those "You had to be there moments," but I forgot how fun spoons is.

You have a couple more days there in Haiti. Im sure there are still many things for you to do there. Just you and your group being there really makes a difference, to let the people of Haiti know that other people from other countries care about them.
How have the water purification systems been going so far. Did you get to drink from them.
Take it easy and we will see you soon.
Love Dad
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