Monday, January 14, 2008


Apparently I really do like Ron Paul...

I took a good presidential poll ( and apparently I do like Ron Paul. I had known this :-), but my ideals do line up. I was hoping so. I did not answer any question to purposefully sway a decision towards Paul, just happened that way.

If you don't know who to vote for, you might be surprised by taking this poll. You might even be surprised what party you find yourself aligning with. Disclaimer from my experience is that the poll does not take into consideration how important an issue like abortion is to me. I believe it to be the factor that put Ron Paul above all of the democratics that came up, but it seems like my gut says that more conservative candidates should have risen to the top.

But, there they are. My picks. I was surprised by how many candidates were in my top who are still running. I looked at someone else's and a lot of these candidates were near the bottom.

1. Theoretical Ideal Candidate (100%)
2. Ron Paul (72%) Information link
3. Christopher Dodd (withdrawn) (65%) Information link
4. Barack Obama (64%) Information link
5. Bill Richardson (withdrawn) (61%) Information link
6. Al Gore (not announced) (60%) Information link
7. John Edwards (59%) Information link
8. Wesley Clark (not running, endorsed Clinton) (56%) Information link
9. Michael Bloomberg (says he will not run) (55%) Information link
10. Hillary Clinton (55%) Information link
11. Alan Augustson (campaign suspended) (52%) Information link
12. Joseph Biden (withdrawn) (51%) Information link
13. Dennis Kucinich (50%) Information link
14. Mike Gravel (48%) Information link
15. John McCain (45%) Information link
16. Chuck Hagel (not running) (44%) Information link
17. Tom Tancredo (withdrawn, endorsed Romney) (43%) Information link
18. Tommy Thompson (withdrawn, endorsed Giuliani) (42%) Information link
19. Kent McManigal (campaign suspended) (40%) Information link
20. Mitt Romney (40%) Information link
21. Jim Gilmore (withdrawn) (40%) Information link
22. Mike Huckabee (38%) Information link
23. Duncan Hunter (37%) Information link
24. Alan Keyes (36%) Information link
25. Sam Brownback (withdrawn, endorsed McCain) (35%) Information link
26. Fred Thompson (31%) Information link
27. Rudolph Giuliani (31%) Information link
28. Elaine Brown (30%) Information link
29. Stephen Colbert (campaign halted) (30%) Information link
30. Newt Gingrich (says he will not run) (30%) Information link

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