Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Every color of the rainbow...

I just passed a few rainbow flags. It was a protest for gay rights in Champaign, IL. It was very unique of a situation for me, and a God moment. I try not to judge gay people, though I think God does. I think He judges me when I sin, too. That's part of what He does. It's sorta His gig. He's also incredibly loving. If you want to be technical, biblically speaking, God is love.

He actually really loves Gay people. I do, too. Partly because I feel I'm called to. I'm called to love everyone.

The unique situation I was speaking of, though, happened as I was listening to the radio station that I work for, WBGL. A Christian radio station. It was if God was using the station to teach me something. I like that He does that.

As soon as I passed the protesters... AS SOON as I passed the protesters, a song came on called "Testify to Love" by a group called Avalon. The song starts out "Every color of the rainbow..." I thought that coincidental as the symbol for homosexuality is a rainbow flag. Throughout the song it says "For as long as I shall live I will testify to love." Saying that my very existence is a testimony to the love of God. I was reminded that the first to use the symbol of the rainbow was God. He created it. I thought to myself that in their protest they were holding up a reminder of God's promise to Noah. Wow.

Furthermore, I felt like God was telling me that I need to testify to His love. In the sense of, look at the people protesting for equality of lifestyle, they're deeply passionate about this. I thought how I need to be passionate about telling people about the love of God. No matter where you stand on marriage equality among homosexuals, one thing is for sure, God loves you. It's that cheesy way of telling someone about God that is so typical, and I never do that. But it's true. If you're a child of God, and you are, make sure you let others who are different than you know how much YOU and God love them even more than you let them know how much you disapprove of them.

Having said all that, I don't agree with the lifestyle, and I don't feel it's the way God intended it. But... I think gay people should have the right to get married. My only reason for saying that is that as a Christian, it should never be my objective to regulate sinning. It should be my objective to tell people about the law of God, not the law of the land, and if by persecuting gay people's right to live how they choose, I'm forgetting the nature of the inception of the Christian faith. Born amidst persecution and chaos. The fear of death, and the reality of death. All over the world Christians are being persecuted for their faith, and here in America, the ones that don't know scripture are persecuting others in the name of God. Hypocrites. Pharisees. Going on sinning, and trying to stop others from sinning. First, remove the empire state building from your eyes before telling somebody about the eyelash that they need to remove.

There's a part of me that feels like I just made everyone disagree with me. And there's a part of me that feels like I share the opinions of a silent majority of Christians who are more interested in living out their faith, and not stifling one group of sinners.

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