Friday, May 30, 2008


My new favorite website is a website that ANYONE can use for whatever sound project they're using. It's collaborative, meaning that anyone can also upload sounds that they have. The catch is that the sounds can not be a part of a sound library that has been purchased. But with all the music software, mics, computers, many average Joe's like myself have access to having the ability to create sounds. That's where comes into to play. I'm not kidding... This website is king for people who create works of art with sound (Especially works of art that are not entirely original compositions). Basically, if you're in radio, you make sound elements, you need to know about this site. If you want to be excellent, that is.

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I've recently purchased a domain name called

Truly, I've been waiting for about two years to have my own website where I can market my ability to create sound imaging packages, commercials, and the like. I'm really excited about this. The site should be ready to go next week.

I am especially grateful for Barry Callahan, a guy I used to go to school with. He's a great guy that really loves God. He's doing the site for me for free! Good man.

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