Sunday, February 04, 2007


A call to preach

Currently watching the Super Bowl. Bears are losing 14-16.

Anyways, someone prayed for me today and said that God was going to use me to preach. Yeah, God seems to keep telling me this through a ton of people. Maybe it's because I never fully recognize that this is what He's calling me to do. When people ask me, I'm always like: "hmmm, I don't know what I'm going to do with my life." Deep down, I sorta do.

I went to a church in Decatur, IL, today. It's a small church, Bethel Bible Church. I was there to represent our radio station, WBGL, out of Champaign, IL. It's a way to connect believers to local church ministries. We'll never fully know the outcome of this service, but it's a pretty cool thing. Every time I talk at our churches of the week, I always explain to them that this is the reason we do this. To connect believers, and so people can not just be encouraged by the music and teaching of our station, but that they can be discipled at a local church. It really is an honor to work where I work. Everywhere we go, people really seem to love our radio station. I'm humbled that I, at such a young age, can have such an influence. I'm more humbled that God would choose to trust me to be a part of such a huge ministry. I wish I acted more like I was as lucky as I am.

Anyways, today was a good day. I really wanted Jill, my girly-friend, to come with me. Unfortunately, she couldn't come. She had a lot of homework, and plans for lunch, as well. I pretty much knew, while I was driving toward the Decatur church, that God was really going to show me something on this day. As I began to listen to a preacher on the radio, I felt like the things he had to say were specifically for me. I bet they were for a lot of people, but one of the things that he said was very pertinent to what someone had prayed for me just two days prior. I had lost my first love. This was in reference to a letter written in Revelations, to the angel at the church of Ephesus write: Um... You'll just have to read it, I guess. But it basically commends the church for all of the faithfulness to what God has called them to, their acts of service, and all. At the end of the letter, it says- "But I have this against you...." that this, that Jesus had against the church, was that they had lost their first love. I was so convicted. I have felt so dry, and so often distant from God for quite some time. I don't know what has been holding me back from seeking more depth in my relationship with God. I've asked the question so often that says "When have I sought you, when have I found you?" Every time I would write a melody, those words would be at the forefront of my mind for two years. Maybe it was because I would always default to that melody that I loved so much, that worked so well with those words. Maybe, though, it was because that was the cry from the depths of my heart. Had I really sought God? Hm. Dunno. Not too much, that's for sure.

Well, I typically like to blog whenever a nice God moment happens, cos I don't want to forget about it. :-) Hence this not being much of a blog.

So, lately I've heard a lot of people talking about what they feel the latest move of God is. By "a lot of people" I mean 3. :-)

A tidal wave.

What does that mean, exactly?

I personally think this is something that's on it's way. About a year ago, someone had prayed over me, and said that they saw a picture of me on a pogo stick, just jumping, and jumping, and the pogo stick eventually turns into a jackhammer. As I was on the pogo stick, the groung began to break up a bit, and then water began to come up from the earth. As one would assume, when it turned into a jackhammer, the ground really began to break, and the water was a lot more prevalant. As more water began to rise, children were playing in the puddles, and having a great time. The water began to turn into a pond, and then grew to a tidal wave. By the end of it all, I was surfing on top of this tidal wave. Yay. Fun times.

I've been awaiting this supposed tidal wave, and can only think of this being a picture of God pouring out his spirit. I'm really wanting this dryness to leave. The songs I've written lately have been about the "Valley of Dry Bones," a song called Ezekiel's Vision. Another song was called "Rescue from the Hole." This song was about this tidal wave.

"I know it's coming soon,
Never ending water well,
Pull the cork that's in my heart.
You've come to break the spell.

We're boarded up inside,
It seems there's no escape.
It looks like no way in,
but I know you'll make a way.

I've dug here way down deep in hopes of water
It hasn't rained and days and I feel dizzy
Like i might fade away

I cannot act as if I thought you weren't listening
Everyone knew all along that you'd come and rescue me, like you always rescue me.

I see the rainclouds now
They're here to lead the way
Spiral in the open sky
Bigger than a hurricane

Particles that I inhale
Dust from dirt it fills the air
But water seeps to soothe it all
My lungs collapse before you're there

I'll need a little wiggle room
But tell me that it's here to stay
You know that I need nothing more
And nothing can get in my way

Claw my hands against the mud
It fills the space in which I lye
But I know that you're coming soon
Your hand breaks through the opening"

That's it. I know. Perhaps not neccessary to write the whole song. But whatev. It does a great job of explaining how I've been feeling.

So... Fastforward to yesterday. Here at the Vineyard, a woman said that someone had prophesied that our church was getting ready to experience a tidal wave of God's presence. His spirit was getting ready to be poured out on all the church. Wow. That immediately perks my ears. It's been on my heart for a while.

Then fastforward to today, as I was at Church of the Week, the 70 year old elder who got up to preach, preached about a tidal wave coming... Whooooa man. Coincidence. Perhaps. It's not the most Christianese phrase, ever, though. Open up the Flood Gates... yeah, I've heard that one before. But what is going on with this tidal wave, thing.

;) Perhaps God's getting ready to pour out a big wave of tsunami judgement. Okay, I won't go there. I'm thinking not. But two things are for sure:

1. I'm looking forward to this
2. I'm done typing, this is way too long of an entry.



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